April 2023

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  Why Does the Ascension Matter?
Culture   Love and sacrifice
Theology 101   La Eucaristía y Fe Adulta
Marriage Matters   He says: I feel like our marriage is falling apart.
Teens Living Well   Real-lationships 101
Corporal Works of Mercy   ¿Cómo pueden las familias practicar las obras de misericordia? - Dar de beber al sediento
Work Life   I’m in a rut at work
Easter   The beauty of the faith in one night
Faith and Family   Niños pequeños y el Buen Pastor
In the Know With Father Joe   Mercy and forgiveness with Father Joe
Parenting   Continuar poniendo la fe primero en esta temporada de Pascua
Culture   Amor y sacrificio
Saint of the Month   St. Marie of the Incarnation
Marriage Matters   Él dice: Siento que nuestro matrimonio se está desmoronando.
Teens Living Well   Relaciones Reales 101
Ask Father Mike   How could I have been so wrong in what God was calling me to do?
Work Life   Estoy en una rutina en el trabajo
Easter   La belleza de la fe en una noche
Grow as a Disciple of Jesus   The gift of grace flows in a sacramental marriage
In the Know With Father Joe   Misericordia y perdón con el padre Joe
Theology 101   Bible Study and Prayer for the Feast of the Ascension
Spiritual Fitness   Spend some quality time with God
Saint of the Month   Santa María de la Encarnación
Theology 101   The Eucharist and Adult Faith
Ask Father Mike   ¿Cómo pude haber estado tan equivocado en lo que Dios me estaba llamando a hacer?
Corporal Works of Mercy   How can families practice the works of mercy? - Give drink to the thirsty
Grow as a Disciple of Jesus   El don de la gracia fluye en un matrimonio sacramental
Theology 101   Where Does the Word ‘Pentecost’ Come From?
Faith and Family   Young children and the Good Shepherd
Spiritual Fitness   Pasa tiempo de calidad con Dios
Parenting   Continuing to put faith first this Easter season