December 2022

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Advent   A Light for Us All
Grow as a Disciple of Jesus   Respond to the Gift of Christ’s Birth
Advent   What are we Preparing for This Advent?
Saint of the Month   Una Navidad infantil
Advent   Approaching the Holidays
Advent   An Advent’urous Design
Spiritual Fitness   Let the Scriptures of Advent Light Your Way
Advent   German Advent Cookies Are a Labor of Love
Eucharistic Revival   El beato Carlo Acutis proporciona inspiración para el Avivamiento Eucarístico
Advent   ReADVENTing a Calendar
Advent   Christollen de Navidad
Advent   Starry Night Christmas Punch
Corporal Works of Mercy   How Can Families Practice the Works of Mercy? - Visit the Sick
Advent   A Bite-Sized Feast for Advent
Grow as a Disciple of Jesus   Responder al don del nacimiento de Cristo
Advent   If You Don’t Pray Every Day, Start This Advent
Advent   No esperes a ser ‘santo’ para comenzar a orar
Advent   Bow down: The meaning of the Christmas crèche
Parenting   Digital Discipleship for Kids
Advent   Await the Lord with an Open Heart
Spiritual Fitness   Deja que las Escrituras de Adviento iluminen tu camino
Advent   Praying at the manger, Devotions for the season
Advent   Acercándose a la temporada navideña
Advent   The Lord is coming
Marriage Matters   He and She Say: We’re Dreading Going Home to Either of Our Families for the Holidays
Advent   What difference does Christmas make for our lives?
Corporal Works of Mercy   ¿Cómo pueden las familias practicar las obras de misericordia? - Visitar y cuidar a los enfermos
Advent   Treasures of Faith: An Advent Project
Advent   Blessing of an Advent Wreath
Advent   4 exercises for the 4 Sundays of Advent
Culture   The Gift of Christ in ‘The Twelve Days of Christmas’
Advent   Begin by Saying Yes to the Lord
Parenting   Discipulado digital para niños
Advent   The hard work of forgiveness: The greatest gift you can give and receive
Theology 101   Advent, Acedia and Asceticism
Advent   Cathedral Cookies for Christmas
Work Life   Wanted: ‘A Servant’s Heart’
Advent   Let the Light of Christ Shine in the World
Marriage Matters   Él y ella dicen: Tenemos miedo de ir a casa de cualquiera de nuestras familias para las vacaciones.
Advent   Preparing our hearts to receive Jesus: Praying during Advent
In the Know With Father Joe   Dear Father Joe: Our diocese is changing a lot and I feel so lost.
Advent   A Tasty Tradition
Theology 101   Adviento, Acedia y Ascetismo
Advent   The Joy of Eggnog
Culture   El regalo de Cristo en ‘Los doce días de Navidad’
Advent   Proclaiming the Good News Artfully
Saint of the Month   St. Olympias
Advent   Praying in the style of Mary – reflecting on God’s Word: Lectio Divina
In the Know With Father Joe   Estimado padre Joe: Nuestra diócesis está cambiando mucho, y me siento tan perdido.
Advent   Deja que la Luz de Cristo brille en el mundo
Work Life   SE BUSCA: 'El corazón de un siervo'
Advent   Anticipating the Birth of Jesus With a Jesse Tree
Saint of the Month   A Kids’ Christmas
Advent   Four ways to make Advent peaceful
Saint of the Month   Santa Olimpia, La Diaconisa
Advent   Christollen
Nativity   St. Francis of Assisi and the Miracle of the Nativity
Advent   How Do I Pray for Someone to Come Back to God This Advent?
Eucharistic Revival   Blessed Carlo Acutis Provides Inspiration for the Eucharistic Revival
Advent   Posadas
Advent   ¿Cómo llegó el Adviento a estar en el calendario de la Iglesia?
Advent   Don’t Wait to Be ‘Holy’ to Start Praying