January 2023

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Grow as a Disciple of Jesus   Share Your Stories of Encountering Jesus With Young People
Lent   Fishing for Answers
Saint of the Month   San Antonio Abad
Lent   Dear Father Joe: Every Year, Lent Comes and Goes and I Always Feel Like I Somehow Miss it or Blow it
Spiritual Fitness   Giving Ourselves to Christ Through Consecration
Lent   How can I ‘do’ Lent better?
Spiritual Fitness   Entregarnos a Cristo a través de la consagración
Lent   Drawing Nearer To Our Lord This Lent
Theology 101   A Heresy Quiz
Lent   Meatless Variety
Teens Living Well   Manteniendo a Dios presente en tu salud mental
Lent   A Lenten Recipe for Busy Catholic Parents
Corporal Works of Mercy   How Can Families Practice the Works of Mercy? - Shelter the Homeless
Lent   What I Learned From a Pretzel
Theology 101   Un cuestionario sobre la herejía
Lent   The Number 40
Teens Living Well   Keeping God Present in Your Mental Health
Lent   From Fat to Frugal
Work Life   Haciendo la transición de compañero de trabajo a supervisor
Lent   El Número 40
Lent   Lighting the Way of the Cross
Culture   Honoring a Holy Woman Who Suffered Greatly
Lent   Hearty Soup to Honor a Strong Man
Corporal Works of Mercy   ¿Cómo pueden las familias practicar las obras de misericordia? - Dar posada al peregrino
Parenting   Make Faith a Way of Life in the Family
Lent   Let’s Make Lent Count!
Word on Fire   “Dei Verbum” y el 60.° Aniversario del Concilio Vaticano II
Lent   Soup for the Soul
Marriage Matters   He Says: We Love Each Other but Are So Different
Lent   Lent offers opportunities for repentance and renewal
Culture   Honrando a una mujer santa que sufrió mucho
Lent   Meatless Meals
Work Life   Making the Transition From Peer to Supervisor
Lent   Walking With Jesus on His Way to the Cross
Grow as a Disciple of Jesus   Comparte tus historias de encuentro con Jesús a los jóvenes
Lent   This Lent, keep your focus on Jesus
Word on Fire   “Dei Verbum” and the 60th Anniversary of Vatican II
Lent   Why should I go to Holy Week services?
Marriage Matters   Él dice: Nosotros nos amamos, pero somos muy diferentes
Lent   ‘Choosing the Better Part’ During Lent
Saint of the Month   St. Anthony the Abbot
Lent   Special Report: The 40 Days of Lent
Parenting   Hacer de la fe un estilo de vida en la familia
Lent   Meet Jesus in the Desert This Lent