March 2022

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Spiritual Fitness   Presence
Work Life   ¿Qué puedo hacer para mi segundo acto?
In the Know With Father Joe   Dear Father Joe, Does God Keep Forgiving the Same Sin?
Saint of the Month   Saint Patrick
Culture   Importaciones irlandesas invaluables
In the Know With Father Joe   Estimado padre Joe, ¿Dios sigue perdonando el mismo pecado?
Parenting   What’s Next After High School?
Good Life   ¿Inquieto? ¿Incierto?
Marriage Matters   She Says: Sometimes I Snap at Him
Grow as a Disciple of Jesus   Catecismo Parte II
Work Life   What Can I Do for My Second Act?
Marriage Matters   Ella dice: A veces exploto contra él
Good Life   Restless? Uncertain?
Parenting   ¿Qué sigue después de la escuela secundaria?
Culture   Invaluable Irish Imports
Saint of the Month   San Patricio
Grow as a Disciple of Jesus   Catechism Part II
Spiritual Fitness   Presencia