October 2021

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Spiritual Fitness   ¿Cuidando a otro?
Work Life   A Friend at Work Has Become Distant
Saint of the Month   San Daniel Comboni
Good Life   I’m the Only One of My Friends Still “Single”
Parenting   La talla única no se adapta a todos en la crianza de los hijos
Grow as a Disciple of Jesus   Break Open the Word of God
Marriage Matters   Ella dice: Siempre soy la que debe ceder
Spiritual Fitness   Caring for Another?
Grow as a Disciple of Jesus   Abre la palabra de Dios
In the Know With Father Joe   Dear Father Joe: My Mother Has Been Diagnosed With Dementia
Good Life   Soy la única de mis amigas todavía "soltera"
Saint of the Month   St. Daniel Comboni
In the Know With Father Joe   Estimado Padre Joe: Mi madre ha sido diagnosticada con demencia
Theology 101   Who Were the Centurions Mentioned in the Gospels?
Culture   En honor a Santa Teresa de Ávila – Sirve esta comida reconfortante con amor
The Church in the World   Church in the World October 2021
The Church in the World   La Iglesia en el mundo octubre de 2021
Parenting   One-Size-Doesn’t-Fit-All With Parenting
Work Life   Un amigo del trabajo se ha vuelto distante
Ask Father Mike   Duties weighing on us? Remember ‘backwards blessings’
Marriage Matters   She Says: I’m Always the One to Give in
Theology 101   ¿Quiénes eran los centuriones mencionados en los Evangelios?
Culture   In Honor of St. Teresa of Ávila – Serve Up This Comfort Food With Love