Ask Father Mike

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November 2024   ¿Cómo sé si es Dios quien me habla?
October 2024   What can I do for my kids who don’t practice the faith?
October 2024   ¿Qué puedo hacer por mis hijos que no practican el catolicismo?
November 2024   How do I know if it’s God speaking to me?
September 2024   Is it OK to look for ‘signs’ after a loved one dies?
September 2024   ¿Está bien buscar “señales” tras la muerte de un ser querido?
July August 2024   What should we make of celebrity converts?
July August 2024   ¿Qué debemos pensar de los conversos famosos?
May 2024   How can I know when I’m just making excuses?
May 2024   ¿Cómo puedo saber cuándo solo estoy poniendo excusas?
April 2024   ¿Por qué nos cuesta hacer una pausa y reflexionar?
April 2024   Why we struggle to pause and reflect
March 2024   When it feels like my prayers don’t do anything
March 2024   Cuando siento que mis oraciones no hacen nada
January February 2024   How do I handle distractions in prayer?
January February 2024   ¿Cómo manejo las distracciones en la oración?
December 2023   Faith is more than just agreeing with God and the Church
December 2023   La fe es más que estar de acuerdo con Dios y la Iglesia
November 2023   ¿Por qué no todos tienen fe en Dios?
November 2023   Why doesn’t everyone have faith in God?
October 2023   When we feel like hypocrites and phonies
October 2023   Cuando nos sentimos hipócritas y farsantes
September 2023   Before you go to ‘communion’ at another church ...
September 2023   Antes de que te vayas a ‘comulgar’ en otra iglesia ...
July August 2023   Why do I still feel badly about my sins after I’ve confessed?
July August 2023   ¿Por qué todavía me siento mal por mis pecados después de haberme confesado?
June 2023   Am I a good person?
June 2023   ¿Soy una buena persona?
April 2023   How could I have been so wrong in what God was calling me to do?
April 2023   ¿Cómo pude haber estado tan equivocado en lo que Dios me estaba llamando a hacer?
March 2023   ¿Cómo puedo superar un problema de orgullo?
March 2023   ¿Cómo debo manejar el Nuevo Año?
March 2023   How Can I Overcome a Problem With Pride?
March 2023   How Should I Handle the New Year?
November 2021   God Has Forgiven Me; How Do I Forgive Myself?
October 2021   Duties weighing on us? Remember ‘backwards blessings’
September 2021   How can I get more out of Mass while wrangling with kids?
August 2021   What to do when complaining takes hold of you
July 2021   What Should a Catholic Make of ‘Cancel Culture’?
June 2021   Does God Just Coerce People into Following Him?
May 2021   For Faith to Grow, Keep a Faith-Friendly Environment
May 2021   Para que crezca la fe, mantenga un entorno favorable a esta
April 2021   What Am I Doing Wrong When I Don’t Feel Close to God?
February 2021   At The Last Judgment, We Will Know ‘The Story’
December 2020   Do I Have a Chance of Being the Saint I'm Called to Be?
September October 2020   Does being Catholic mean you always have to be racing?
July August 2020   Why Am I Terrible at Evangelization?
June 2020   How open can I be with people?
May 2020   Love in the time of corona
April 2020   Is Christianity about relationship, not religion?
December 2019   How can ‘curiosity’ be a bad thing?
November 2019   How can I offer correction to family members?
October 2019   Can we have a sense of humor about God?
September 2019   Father Michael Schmitz: That document on youth from Pope Francis – worth reading?