Grow as a Disciple of Jesus

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October 2024   Be brutally honest in prayer
October 2024   Sé brutalmente honesto en la oración
November 2024   Listen for God’s still, small voice this Advent
November 2024   Escucha la vocecita quieta de Dios en este Adviento
September 2024   Cultivate a spirit of generosity
September 2024   Cultivar un espíritu de generosidad
July August 2024   Cultivate a spirit of gratitude
July August 2024   Cultivar un espíritu de gratitud
June 2024   Bring joy from our great liturgical feasts into Ordinary Time
June 2024   Llevar la alegría de nuestras grandes fiestas litúrgicas al Tiempo Ordinario
May 2024   Why did Jesus ascend into heaven?
May 2024   ¿Por qué ascendió Jesús a los cielos?
April 2024   The risen Jesus is the source of our hope and joy
April 2024   Jesús resucitado es fuente de nuestra esperanza y alegría
March 2024   En busca de la transformación cuaresmal
March 2024   Seeking Lenten transformation
January February 2024   Tips for living as a missionary disciple
January February 2024   Consejos para vivir como discípulo misionero
December 2023   What is a missionary disciple?
December 2023   ¿Qué es un discípulo misionero?
November 2023   Be your best self
November 2023   Sé tú mismo
October 2023   Don’t sell angels short!
October 2023   ¡No subestimes a los ángeles!
September 2023   Encuentra el poder de Pentecostés como San Pedro
September 2023   Find the power of Pentecost like St. Peter
July August 2023   Ask God to show you the “logs” in your life
July August 2023   Pídele a Dios que te muestre las “vigas” en tu vida
June 2023   What causes heaven to celebrate?
June 2023   ¿Qué hace que el cielo celebre?
May 2023   Is the foundation of your life built on rock or sand?
May 2023   ¿Los cimientos de tu vida están construidos sobre roca o arena?
April 2023   The gift of grace flows in a sacramental marriage
April 2023   El don de la gracia fluye en un matrimonio sacramental
March 2023   This Lent, Seek Jesus and Serve His People
March 2023   Esta Cuaresma, busca a Jesús y sirve a su pueblo
January 2023   Share Your Stories of Encountering Jesus With Young People
January 2023   Comparte tus historias de encuentro con Jesús a los jóvenes
December 2022   Respond to the Gift of Christ’s Birth
December 2022   Responder al don del nacimiento de Cristo
November 2022   We are All Called to be Saints
November 2022   Todos estamos llamados a ser santos
October 2022   God Always Listens to Our Prayers
October 2022   Dios siempre escucha nuestras oraciones
September 2022   The Church Can Help With the Hard Work of Forgiveness
September 2022   La Iglesia puede ayudar en el duro trabajo del perdón
July August 2022   Dar testimonio de los seres queridos
July August 2022   Witnessing to Loved Ones
June 2022   Spend Time in Eucharistic Adoration
June 2022   Pasar tiempo en adoración eucarística
May 2022   Catechism Part IV
May 2022   Catecismo Parte IV
April 2022   Catechism Part III
April 2022   Catecismo Parte III
March 2022   Catechism Part II
March 2022   Catecismo Parte II
January February 2022   Dios se revela a sí mismo en El catecismo
January February 2022   God Reveals Himself in the Catechism
November 2021   Why Do We Pray for the Dead?
November 2021   ¿Por qué rezar por los muertos?
October 2021   Break Open the Word of God
October 2021   Abre la palabra de Dios
September 2021   Make Sunday the Foundation of Your Week
September 2021   Hacer Del Domingo la Fundación de su Semana
July August 2021   Respond to God’s Invitation!
July August 2021   ¡Responda a la invitación de Dios!
June 2021   Tips for Living by the Values of God's Kingdom
May 2021   Hacer fructífera tu oración de intercesión
May 2021   Making Your Intercessory Prayer Fruitful
April 2021   We Are All Easter People
March 2021   How Can I Hear God's Voice?
January 2021   Encounter the Lord in Prayer
October 2020   In Prayer, Offer Jesus Your Fears
September 2020   We See 20/20 When Jesus is Our Prescription
July August 2020   The Grace of Confirmation Empowers Us
June 2020   Look for Small Doors That the Holy Spirit Opens to Share Your Faith
April 2020   This Easter Season, Have Faith Like St. Peter
November 2019   How Has Jesus Changed Your Life?
October 2019   Can You Commit to Being a Disciple of the Master?
September 2019   Rejoice Always
July August 2019   Why Grow and Go?
June 2019   Give Jesus Your Crumbs
May 2019   Do Simple Things With Great Love
April 2019   Practice the Virtue of Humility
January February 2019   What is Jesus Asking You to Do?
November 2018   We Were Chosen as God’s Children
July August 2018   Work Together to Build God’s Kingdom
June 2018   GROW as a Disciple of Jesus: Develop an Attitude of Gratitude
May 2018   GROW as a Disciple of Jesus: Time Spent Waiting is an Opportunity to Love and Serve
April 2018   GROW as a Disciple of Jesus: Hit the ‘pause’ Button and Ask Jesus to Enter Your Day
March 2018   GROW as a Disciple of Jesus
January February 2018   Listen for God's Whisper Each Day