Saint of the Month

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  MISERICORDIA – el mejor camino hacia la verdad
  Une tu sufrimiento a Cristo
  Festividad de los Santos Arcángeles, Miguel, Gabriel y Rafael
  Un santo por nuestros tiempos
  San Pío X
  Santa Juana de Arco, Santa patrona de Francia
  San José era un hombre santo—y un muy buen padre
  Madre Lupita: La santa patrona de las enfermeras
  Oren hasta que algo suceda: Saint Genevieve
  San Anselmo de Canterbury
October 2024   St. Margaret Mary Alacoque
October 2024   Sta. Margarita María Alacoque
November 2024   St. Hubert (656-727)
November 2024   San Huberto (656-727)
September 2024   St. John Chrysostom
September 2024   San Juan Crisóstomo
July August 2024   St. Anthony Zaccaria
July August 2024   San Antonio Zaccaria
July August 2024   St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross
July August 2024   Santa Teresa Benedicta de la Cruz
June 2024   St. Clotilde
June 2024   Sta. Clotilde
May 2024   Salvador Lara Puente and the Martyrs of the Cristero War
May 2024   Salvador Lara Puente y los Mártires de la Guerra Cristera
April 2024   Santa Margarita de Castello
April 2024   St. Margaret of Castello
March 2024   St. Casimir of Poland
February 2024   St. Scholastica
January February 2024   St. Hilary of Poitiers
January February 2024   San Hilario de Poitiers
December 2023   St. Francis Xavier
December 2023   San Francisco Javier
November 2023   St. Margaret of Scotland
November 2023   Santa Margarita de Escocia
October 2023   Santa Teresa de Ávila
October 2023   St. Teresa of Ávila
September 2023   St. Raphael the Archangel
September 2023   San Rafael Arcángel
July August 2023   Bl. Andrew the Catechist
July August 2023   St. Helena of Constantinople
July August 2023   Beato Andrés el Catequista
July August 2023   Santa Elena de Constantinopla
June 2023   St. Marguerite Bays
June 2023   Santa Margarita Bays
May 2023   St. John of Ávila
May 2023   San Juan de Ávila
April 2023   St. Marie of the Incarnation
April 2023   Santa María de la Encarnación
March 2023   St. Benedetta Cambiagio Frassinello
March 2023   Santa Benedetta Cambiagio Frassinello
January 2023   St. Anthony the Abbot
January 2023   San Antonio Abad
December 2022   St. Olympias
December 2022   A Kids’ Christmas
December 2022   Santa Olimpia, La Diaconisa
December 2022   Una Navidad infantil
November 2022   Santa Francisca Javier Cabrini
November 2022   Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini
October 2022   St. Gerard Majella
October 2022   San Gerardo Mayela
September 2022   St. Andrew Kim Taegon
September 2022   San Andrés Kim Taegon
July August 2022   St. Jane Frances de Chantal
July August 2022   Santa Juana Francisca Frémyot de Chantal
June 2022   St. John the Baptist
June 2022   San Juan Bautista
May 2022   San Isidro Labrador
May 2022   St. Isidore the Farmer
April 2022   St. Benedict the Moor
April 2022   San Benito de Palermo
March 2022   Saint Patrick
March 2022   San Patricio
January February 2022   St. Thomas Aquinas
January February 2022   Santo Tomás de Aquino
December 2021   St. Finnian
December 2021   San Finnian de Clonard
November 2021   St. Cecilia
November 2021   Santa Cecilia
October 2021   St. Daniel Comboni
October 2021   San Daniel Comboni
September 2021   St. Matthew Apostle and Evangelist
September 2021   San Mateo Apóstol y Evangelista
July August 2021   St. Ignatius of Loyola
July August 2021   San Ignacio de Loyola: Fundador de la Compañía de Jesús
June 2021   San Bernabé: siglo I d.C.
May 2021   St. Ursula Ledóchowska
May 2021   Santa Úrsula Ledóchowska
April 2021   St. Pius V
March 2021   St. Louise de Marillac
January 2021   St. Peter Damian
December 2020   St. Stephen the First Martyr
November 2020   St. Elizabeth of the Trinity
October 2020   Saint Hedwig (1174-1243)
September 2020   Saint Jerome (c. 347–420)
September October 2020   San Jerónimo (c. 347–420)
July August 2020   Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati (1901-1925)
June 2020   Saint Norbert (1080-1134)
May 2020   Saint Christopher Magallanes
April 2020   Saint Fidelis of Sigmaringen - The Poor Man’s Lawyer
March 2020   St. Joseph Was a Holy Man – and a Very Good Father
November 2019   St. Martin of Tours
September 2019   St. Vincent De Paul, French Catholic Priest – 1580 -1660
July August 2019   St. John Vianney
June 2019   San Juan Fisher
June 2019   Saint John Fisher
May 2019   St. Madeleine Sophie Barat
April 2019   Saint Mark the Evangelist (c.5AD-68 AD)
March 2019   St. John of God
January February 2019   St. Maria Catherine Kasper Feast Day: Feb. 2
December 2018   St. Ambrose Feast Day: Dec. 7
September 2018   St. Peter Claver – Sept. 9
June 2018   St. Anthony of Padua - June 13
May 2018   St. Paschal Baylon - May 17
April 2018   St. Gianna Molla – A Mother Who Chose Life for Her Unborn Child
March 2018   Saint Manuel Míguez González - March 8
January February 2018   From Slavery to Joy and Hopefulness
December 2017   St. Nicholas Feast Day: Dec. 6
November 2017   St. Leo the Great: Feast Day: Nov. 10
October 2017   Saint Francis of Assisi Repairing God’s House
September 2017   Pope St. Gregory the Great - Sept. 3
July August 2017   St. Pius X
June 2017   Mother Lupita – Patron Saint of Nurses
May 2017   St. Joan of Arc, Patron Saint of France
April 2017   St. Anselm of Canterbury
March 2017   Saint María Josefa of the Heart of Jesus
January February 2017   St. Polycarp, First Heard the Gospel From Jesus' Apostles
December 2016   St. Virginia Centurione Bracelli
November 2016   St. Charles Borromeo, A Tireless Reformer
October 2016   St. Faustina - Secretary of Divine Mercy
September 2016   St. Padre Pio: Leading Others to God’s Healing Mercy
July August 2016   Lily of the Mohawks, Saint Kateri Tekakwitha
June 2016   St. Thomas More: A Man for All Seasons
May 2016   St. Damien of Molokai “Leper Priest” in Hawaii
April 2016   Advocate of Peace, Advisors to Popes: Catherine of Siena
March 2016   St. Katharine Drexel, an American Missionary
January February 2016   The Humble Doorkeeper: St. Andre Bessette
December 2015   Break With Sin and Follow Christ: St. Fabiola
November 2015   Canonization of St. Junipero Serra
October 2015   St. Thérèse of Lisieux | St. Teresa of Ávila
September 2015   Feast of the Archangels, Sts. Michael, Gabriel and Raphael
July August 2015   Be Innocent: St. Maria Goretti
June 2015   Join Your Suffering to Christ: St. Alice
May 2015   Mercy, the Best Path to Truth: St. Pope John
April 2015   Develop a ‘Drip’ Mentality: St. Isidore of Seville
March 2015   Make It a Family Affair: St. Gregory of Nyssa
January February 2015   Pray Until Something Happens: St. Genevieve
December 2014   Learn and Share the Faith: St. Peter Canisius
November 2014   Follow the Stirrings of the Spirit: Blessed Gaius of Korea
October 2014   Meditate on the Passion of Christ: St. Paul of the Cross
September 2014   St. Hildegard of Bingen
June 2014   St. Columba (Columcille)
May 2014   Learn From Sinfulness
April 2014   St. Bernadette
March 2014   St. Cyril of Jerusalem
January February 2014   St. Genoveva Torres Morales
December 2013   Be Courageous
October 2013   Be Moved
September 2013   Mimic the Mustard Seed
July August 2013   The Missionary of the Rosary
June 2013   Act Justly, Love Mercy and Walk Humbly With God
May 2013   Pay Attention to the Fruit
April 2013   Live Mercifully
March 2013   Strive for Perfection
January February 2013   Look Back to Move Forward
December 2012   Be Humble
November 2012   Feed the Hungry, Care for the Sick
September 2012   Lessons From the Path to Holiness: Take Up Your Cross
July August 2012   Perpetua and Felicity
June 2012   St. Justin
May 2012   St. Philip Neri
April 2012   St. Julie
March 2012   St. Joseph
January February 2012   St. Basil
July August 2011   St. Clare the Patron Saint of Television
June 2011   St. Irenaeus
May 2011   St. Athanasius, the Great Defender of the Faith
April 2011   St. Crescentia Hoess
March 2011   St. Patrick the Cross-Cultural Saint
September 2010   St. Dominic, The Boy Saint
July August 2010   St. Ignatius of Loyola
June 2010   St. Vigilius of Trent
May 2010   This “Flower” Died Rather Than Execute Christians
April 2010   ‘Another Rock'
March 2010   A ‘Pearl’ of Great Value – St. Margaret Clitherow
January February 2010   A Teacher of Women
November 2009   From Bread to Roses
October 2009   Blessed Mary Angela Truszkowska the “Star of the Sea”
September 2009   St. Joseph Cupertino
June 2009   Apostle of Germany
May 2009   Saint Hilary of Arles
April 2009   The Angel of Judgment - Saint Vincent Ferrer
March 2009   The Peacemaker – Saint Casimir
January February 2009   “Mary of the Gaels”
December 2008   Giving Light to the Blind – St. Lucy
November 2008   Andrew the Apostle
November 2008   Blessed Pauline von Mallinckrodt
October 2008   The Pirate-Fighting Saint
July August 2008   St. Bridget
May 2008   Do Drinking and Woodworking Mix?
January February 2008   From Riches to Rags
December 2007   Who is the Immaculate Conception?
November 2007   Tortured on a Wheel
October 2007   From Wealthy Nobleman to Servant of God
September 2007   Teen Saint’s Life Was No Bed of Roses
July August 2007   Why Did This Beautiful Woman Rub Pepper on Her Face?
June 2007   Saint Romuald
May 2007   Who's the Real Patron Saint of Travelers?
April 2007   He Lived on a Haunted Island
March 2007   A Bride at 13, a Nun at 52
January February 2007   Executed for His Faith – Twice
November 2006   St. Peter Wu Gousheng
October 2006   St. Philip of Moscow
September 2006   St. Maria Forgave Her Attacker
July August 2006   Ss. Joachim and Anne
June 2006   Blessed Mary Elizabeth Hesselblad
May 2006   St. Bernardine of Siena
April 2006   St. Isidore, Schoolmaster of the Middle Ages
March 2006   St. Colette Helped Reform the Poor Clares
January February 2006   St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
December 2005   St. Peter Canisius Wrote a Catechism
November 2005   Blessed Eugene Bossilkov, Arrested as a Catholic Subversive
October 2005   St. Mary Bertilla Boscardin Took Care of the Sick
September 2005   St. Peter Claver
July August 2005   St. Edmund Arrowsmith
June 2005   St. Germaine
April 2005   St. Gemma Galgani
January February 2005   St. Jerome
October 2004   St. Callistus
September 2004   St. John Bosco
July August 2004   Blessed Peter to Rot
June 2004   St. Aloysius
May 2004   Blessed Rose
April 2004   St. Julie Billiart
March 2004   Perpetua and Felicity
January February 2004   St. Adrian Was So Humble He Passed on a Promotion
November 2003   St. Andrew Dung-Lac and the Martyrs Under a Vietnamese Nero
September 2003   St. Therese of Lisieux and St. Stanislaus Kostka
July August 2003   Worried About Spouse, Kids?
June 2003   St. Charles
May 2003   James the Lesser?
April 2003   Voice of Reason to the Pope
March 2003   Why is St. Joseph the Patron of a Happy Death?
January February 2003   No One Believed the Poor Peasant Girl: St. Bernadette
December 2002   They Even Tried to Take Out Her Eyes: St. Lucy's Story
November 2002   St. Margaret Brought Scotland to a New Level
October 2002   Guardian Angels: Fad, Fiction or Faithful Helpers?
September 2002   Patron Saint of Girl Power: Joan of Arc
July August 2002   Junipero Serra
May June 2002   St. Thomas More
March 2002   St. Katharine - From Riches to Rags
January 2002   St. Thomas Aquinas
December 2001   St. Stephen Gets a Bum Rap
November 2001   The First Saint of the United States
October 2001   Cowboys and Indians Weren’t the Only Casualties of the American Frontier
September 2001   St. Michael Defend Us
July August 2001   Saints for Work and Play
May June 2001   In the Know About St. Joe
April 2001   St. Peter Chanel and the Cannibals of Oceania
March 2001   St. Abraham Kidunaia: The Runaway Groom
February 2001   There’s More to St. Blase Than Candles
January 2001   Patron Saint of Disputed Elections?
December 2000   The St. Nick You Never Knew
November 2000   Overcoming Conflict With Charity
October 2000   Is There a Doctor in the House?
September 2000   Bohemia 90210
July August 2000   The Saints of Summer
May June 2000   The Mary Month of May
April 2000   007 vs. St. George
March 2000   What Do You Mean St. Patrick Wasn’t Irish?
February 2000   St. Valentine